Understanding & Analysis of Marketing Strategy

Strategy before tactics and channels

According to a study by Deloitte, businesses that have a clearly defined marketing strategy are 82% more likely to report growth in revenue and market share.

Whether you need a comprehensive marketing plan or a marketing action plan to share with your team or looking for a Go to Market Strategy for your products and services, we can give you the direction you need?

Our Marketing Strategy includes identifying your audience, who are they, what are their buying behaviors and then looks how to position your offering to those customers in creative ways. Our marketing strategy encompasses all the elements of product/service, price, place, promotion and responsibility.

Download our FREE marketing roadmap to help you on your way.
Understanding & Analysis of Marketing Strategy

Clutter is the new competition.

A well-documented marketing strategy is essentially a problem-solving tool both for your Brand and your customers, that’s the purpose of strategy.

Our Marketing Strategy includes identifying your audience, who are they, what are their buying behaviors and then looks how to position your offering to those customers in creative ways. Our marketing strategy encompasses all the elements of product/service, price, place, promotion and responsibility.

The Importance of a Marketing Strategy

The importance of a Marketing Strategy

A comprehensive strategy helps a business to:

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Define its target audience, understand their needs and preferences, and create effective campaigns to reach them.

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Allocate resources efficiently and measure the success of marketing efforts

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Develop a competitive edge and builds a strong brand. 

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Set SMART goals and work towards achieving them 

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Identify new opportunities for growth and expansion 

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Define its target audience, understand their needs and preferences, and
create effective campaigns to reach them.

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Allocate resources efficiently and measure the success of marketing efforts

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Develop a competitive edge and builds a strong brand. 

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Set SMART goals and work towards achieving them 

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Identify new opportunities for growth and expansion 

Elements of a Marketing Strategy

Target market

A detailed analysis of the specific group of consumers or businesses that the business wants to reach.


A clear and unique positioning statement that differentiates the business from its competitors.


Specific, measurable, and achievable goals that the business wants to achieve through its marketing efforts.


The specific actions and methods that will be used to reach the target market and achieve the objectives, such as advertising, promotions, public relations, and digital marketing.


The financial resources that will be allocated to the marketing efforts, including costs for tactics and measurement.


A way to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the marketing efforts, such as return on investment (ROI) and customer lifetime value.


A plan for how the strategy will be executed, including timelines, responsibilities, and monitoring and adjustment processes.

Continual Optimization

A plan for monitoring and adjusting the strategy as needed based on changes in the market, customer behaviour, and business goals.

Elements of a Marketing Strategy


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HubSpot reports that businesses with a documented marketing strategy are 313% more likely to be successful in achieving their marketing goals than those without one.
According to a study by Deloitte, businesses that have a clearly defined marketing strategy are 82% more likely to report growth in revenue and market share.
Businesses that prioritize customer experience in their marketing strategy see a 3x higher ROI than those that don't, according to a report by Forrester.
A study by Nielsen found that consumers are 4x more likely to buy from a company if they perceive the company's marketing efforts to be personalized and relevant to their needs.

How we work

We keep it simple. Our goal is to give you the best experience by choosing to work with us. We are more about people than lengthy paperwork.

Contact us today
How Marketing Done Right Work iPhone Image
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Initial Meeting

Let’s get together for an initial chat to see if we are the right fit for your business.

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Discovery Session

We take a closer look at the challenges and opportunities of the business and provide you with some insights and feedback.

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We will provide you with a proposal for your perusal.

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Let’s get to work

On acceptance of the proposal and signing of all the important paperwork we will commence working on your strategy.

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