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Customer Touchpoint Marketing

Is your marketing engaging your customers?

Touchpoint Marketing takes customer journey mapping to the next level. Every customer interaction with your business creates an opportunity to up sell, cross sell or educate a customer on a what your company has to offer.

Touchpoint Marketing assesses how succinct your brand and marketing efforts are deployed across different contact point initiatives.

Is your messaging consistent across your marketing activities?
How are customer journeys commenced and how are they concluded?
How are customer lifecycles managed?

A  Touchpoint Marketing strategy is a marketing approach that focuses on identifying and optimising every interaction (or touchpoint) that a customer has with a brand. This includes all points of contact, such as social media, email, website, customer service, and more.  

Studies by Forbes, the Aberdeen Group and Deloitte prove the importance of an effective Customer Touchpoint Marketing. See insights below.

Customer Touchpoint Marketing

Is your marketing engaging your customers?

Customer touchpoint marketing takes customer journey mapping to the next level. Every customer interaction with your business creates an opportunity to up sell, cross sell or educate a customer on a what your company has to offer.

Touchpoint marketing assesses how succinct your brand and marketing efforts are deployed across different contact point initiatives.

Is your messaging consistent across your marketing activities?
How are customer journeys commenced and how are they concluded?
How are customer lifecycles managed?

What is a touchpoint marketing strategy? 

A touchpoint marketing strategy is a marketing approach that focuses on identifying and optimising every interaction (or touchpoint) that a customer has with a brand. This includes all points of contact, such as social media, email, website, customer service, and more.  

Customer Touchpoint Marketing

The importance of Touchpoint Marketing 

Consistent positive brand image and message helps a business:

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Consistent brand messaging:Creating a cohesive and memorable customer experience helps to build brand recognition and loyalty and increase the likelihood of repeat business.

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Increased customer engagement:
By providing relevant and personalised communication at each touchpoint can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Improved customer understanding:
By better understand their customers’ needs and preferences this information can be used to develop targeted marketing campaigns.

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More effective marketing:
By identify the most effective channels and messages for reaching customers at each touchpoint can result in more efficient use of marketing resources and increased ROI.

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Better customer experience:
Leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty and can differentiate a business from its competitors.

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Consistent brand messaging: Creating a cohesive and memorable customer experience helps to build brand recognition and loyalty and increase the likelihood of repeat business.

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Increased customer engagement:
By providing relevant and personalised communication at each touchpoint can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Improved customer understanding:
By better understand their customers’ needs and preferences this information can be used to develop targeted marketing campaigns.

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More effective marketing:
By identify the most effective channels and messages for reaching customers at each touchpoint can result in more efficient use of marketing resources and increased ROI.

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Better customer experience:
Leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty and can differentiate a business from its competitors.

Elements of Touchpoint Marketing

Customer Journey Mapping

Understanding the customer journey and identifying key customer touchpoints to optimise.

Brand Consistency

Ensuring that all touchpoints reflect the same brand messaging, tone, and personality.

Communication Channels

Identifying the most effective communication channels for each touchpoint, such as email, social media, or in-person interactions.


Tailoring the experience for each customer based on their preferences, behaviors, and history with the brand.

Measurement and Analysis

.Collecting and analysing data from each touchpoint to understand the customer experience and identify areas for improvement.

Continuous Optimisation

Using insights from data analysis to optimise and improve each touchpoint over time, ensuring a seamless customer experience across all interactions with the brand.

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Increased customer engagement
According to a study by Gallup, fully engaged customers represent a 23% premium in terms of share of wallet, profitability, revenue, and relationship growth over the average customer. A touchpoint marketing strategy can help businesses create personalized and relevant communication at each touchpoint, which can increase customer engagement and ultimately drive sales. 
Improved marketing effectiveness
A study by Aberdeen Group found that companies with strong omnichannel customer engagement strategies retain an average of 89% of their customers, compared to 33% for companies with weak strategies. This suggests that optimizing touchpoints can lead to more effective marketing and increased revenue.
Better customer understanding
According to a survey by Forbes, 70% of marketers say that personalization has a strong or extremely strong impact on customer retention. By using data from touchpoints to develop targeted marketing campaigns, businesses can show customers that they understand their needs and preferences, which can lead to increased loyalty.
Differentiation from competitors
According to a study by Deloitte, 62% of companies view customer experience delivered by their contact centers as a competitive differentiator. By optimizing touchpoints, businesses can provide a more seamless and personalized customer experience, which can differentiate them from their competitors and increase customer loyalty.

How we work

We keep it simple. Our goal is to give you the best experience by choosing to work with us. We are more about people than lengthy paperwork.

Contact us today
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Initial Meeting

Let’s get together for an initial chat to see if we are the right fit for your business.

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Discovery Session

We take a closer look at the challenges and opportunities of the business and provide you with some insights and feedback.

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We will provide you with a proposal for your perusal.

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Let’s get to work

On acceptance of the proposal and signing of all the important paperwork we will commence working on your strategy.

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